Network inventory manual vs automated

September 15, 2021

Network inventory manual vs automated

As a network administrator, keeping an inventory of all the devices connected to your network is essential. It helps you keep track of equipment, software, and configurations, providing you with a clear picture of your network's status. However, the process of taking a network inventory can be time-consuming and tedious, especially if you do it manually. In this blog, we will compare the advantages and disadvantages of manual and automated network inventory.

Manual network inventory

Manual network inventory involves physically examining each device on your network and recording the details of each device's configuration. This process includes noting down the device's serial number, MAC address, IP address, network port, software version, and any other relevant information. This method can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large network.

Advantages of manual network inventory

  • Low-cost
  • Provides an opportunity for hands-on experience
  • Suitable for small scale networks

Disadvantages of manual network inventory

  • Time-consuming
  • Error-prone
  • Unsuitable for large scale networks

Automated network inventory

Automated network inventory involves using software tools to scan your network and collect information about devices connected to it. These tools can automatically discover devices, create network topology maps, and provide you with real-time information about your network's status.

Advantages of an automated network inventory

  • Saves time
  • Accurate and reliable
  • Suitable for both small and large-scale networks

Disadvantages of an automated network inventory

  • High cost
  • Requires technical knowledge to implement

Network inventory comparison:

Manual Inventory Automated Inventory
Cost Low High
Time needed High Low
Quality of data Inconsistent Consistent
Accuracy Low High
Scalability Limited Unlimited
Technical skills Easy Moderate-advanced


Although manual inventory is appropriate for small-scale networks, it becomes nearly impossible to manage when dealing with a large network. On the other hand, Automation network inventory comes with the recent advancements in technology that offer fast, accurate and flexible information about your network. By considering their advantages and limitations, you should be able to choose the inventory method that works best for your network.


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